Investing in the stock market

Investing in the stock market: the complete guide to successful variable income

Investing in the stock market: The stock market is an environment where shares, bonds and other financial assets are traded. It is an organized and regulated market where investors can buy and sell these assets with the aim of making a profit. In Brazil, the main stock exchange is B3, located in...

melhor opção de renda variável

Find out which is the best variable income option to invest in today!

Descubra qual é a melhor opção de renda variável para investir hoje: A renda variável é uma modalidade de investimento que se caracteriza pela volatilidade dos ativos, ou seja, os rendimentos não são previsíveis e podem variar de acordo com o desempenho do mercado. Diferentemente da renda fixa, onde os rendimentos são preestabelecidos, na renda…

What is Tesouro Direto and what is it for?

What is Tesouro Direto and what is it for?

O que é Tesouro Direto e para que serve?: O Tesouro Direto é um programa de investimento gerenciado pelo Tesouro Nacional do Brasil, que permite que os cidadãos brasileiros invistam diretamente em títulos públicos federais. Esse programa foi criado com o objetivo de democratizar o acesso aos investimentos em títulos públicos, anteriormente restritos a investidores…

High inflation

High inflation: learn how to protect your purchasing power and keep your finances healthy

High inflation: Inflation is an economic phenomenon characterized by the continuous and generalized increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy. When inflation is high, the consumer's purchasing power is affected, as money becomes worth less, since the prices of products and...

Strategies for Dealing with Falling Interest Rates

Strategies for Dealing with Falling Interest Rates and Keeping Your Investments Profitable

Strategies for Dealing with Falling Interest Rates: Falling interest rates in Brazil have been a trend in recent years, and this has had a direct impact on financial investments. The basic interest rate, known as Selic, has been reduced by the Central Bank as a way of stimulating the economy and controlling...