Investing in variable income

Investing in equities: what you need to know to make smart and profitable decisions

Investing in variable income: Variable income is a type of investment in which the return is not predictable and can vary according to market performance. Unlike fixed income, in which the investor knows exactly how much they will receive at the end of the period, in variable income the return can be higher or lower than...

Investing in the stock market

Investing in the stock market: the complete guide to successful variable income

Investing in the stock market: The stock market is an environment where shares, bonds and other financial assets are traded. It is an organized and regulated market where investors can buy and sell these assets with the aim of making a profit. In Brazil, the main stock exchange is B3, located in...

melhor opção de renda variável

Find out which is the best variable income option to invest in today!

Descubra qual é a melhor opção de renda variável para investir hoje: A renda variável é uma modalidade de investimento que se caracteriza pela volatilidade dos ativos, ou seja, os rendimentos não são previsíveis e podem variar de acordo com o desempenho do mercado. Diferentemente da renda fixa, onde os rendimentos são preestabelecidos, na renda…

Learn to invest with confidence

Learn to invest with credit: tips to promise profitability and security in your investments

Learn to invest with credit: The financial market is a multifaceted and dynamic environment that involves trading assets such as shares, bonds, currencies and commodities. For those wishing to invest, it is essential to understand how this market works, who the main players are and how economic and political decisions...

How to deal with the appreciation of the dollar

How to deal with the appreciation of the dollar and keep your finances safe

How to deal with the appreciation of the dollar: The appreciation of the dollar is a phenomenon that can significantly impact a country's economy, especially those that have a strong dependence on imports. When the dollar appreciates against other currencies, it means that it is more expensive compared to other currencies...